Today I had my Ninth Week of Work Experience, in a local Primary School, where I started my day off in Fifth Class. I was given the task of making 6 iPods out of card and made a heading saying 'Tune into reading'. I also watched the children perform a piece of an Irish story. I really enjoyed this as Irish is one of my favourite subjects, so I enjoyed watching how to teach the language in a fun way.
After break, I went to Junior Infants which I am familiar with. The children were learning how to write the number 3. I helped one child with practicing the number 3 and colouring in 'The Shape Man'. The children were given a man made out of different shapes and I had to explain to a child what the instructions were.
I left Junior Infants and went to a Resource Room. Here I helped the teacher put maths equipment into boxes and label the boxes. I then put them on shelves so they will be easily located for teachers. I returned to this job after lunch and continued to organise the maths equipment.
I then left the Resource Room and headed to a First Class. In this class I helped a child with her Science work. They did an experiment to see if certain objects would sink or float in water. The children then had to write in the results of their experiments in their workbooks. I then helped a child with her Religion lesson. They had to do a word-search based on water in their religion workbook. I really enjoyed my time in First Class as the children were all very friendly and enthusiastic about each task they were given.
I am really enjoying my Work Experience in a local primary school as the staff and pupils are very supportive and helpful.
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