Today I had my eighth week of Work Experience in a local Primary School. I started my day off by blowing up balloons with Lauren, who is also doing Work Experience. We were blowing up the balloons for the launch of a DVD of the history of Celbridge, which will be held in the Primary School. I blew up 15 red balloons and 15 white balloons and tied a knot in them. Lauren tied them in pairs, one red balloon with a white balloon with a piece of string. I enjoyed helping in the preparation for the launch.
I left blowing up the balloons and went to a Third Class that I have helped in the past. The children were playing a maths game when I joined them. I was given the task of asking the children their 6 times tables. I then explained a worksheet that the teacher wanted to do with the class. I really enjoyed my time in Third Class as the children are very friendly and interested in the topics that you teach them.
After break, I went to First Class which was my first time in this class group. My first task was to check each book in the class library to ensure that they had a tag in them, indicating what the name of the book was. Once I had this completed I then began reading each child's English work. The children had done a short description of their monsters. I corrected any spelling errors that the children may have made.
After lunch, I returned to First Class where I continued with my task that I had been set before lunch. I then began correcting the children's Geography and Music workbooks. I really enjoyed my time in First Class as I got a chance to witness the extra work that teachers must do, which includes correcting all of the children's work that they do in school and at home. I am really enjoying my placement and I look forward to each week of work Experience, as each week brings a new set of interesting tasks and challenges that are very fulfilling when you complete them.
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