Wednesday, 28 November 2012

My Ninth Week :)

Today I had my Ninth Week of Work Experience, in a local Primary School, where I started my day off in Fifth Class. I was given the task of making 6 iPods out of card and made a heading saying 'Tune into reading'. I also watched the children perform a piece of an Irish story. I really enjoyed this as Irish is one of my favourite subjects, so I enjoyed watching how to teach the language in a fun way.
After break, I went to Junior Infants which I am familiar with. The children were learning how to write the number 3. I helped one child with practicing the number 3 and colouring in 'The Shape Man'. The children were given a man made out of different shapes and I had to explain to a child what the instructions were.
I left Junior Infants and went to a Resource Room. Here I helped the teacher put maths equipment into boxes and label the boxes. I then put them on shelves so they will be easily located for teachers. I returned to this job after lunch and continued to organise the maths equipment.
I then left the Resource Room and headed to a First Class. In this class I helped a child with her Science work. They did an experiment to see if certain objects would sink or float in water. The children then had to write in the results of their experiments in their workbooks. I then helped a child with her Religion lesson. They had to do a word-search based on water in their religion workbook. I really enjoyed my time in First Class as the children were all very friendly and enthusiastic about each task they were given.
I am really enjoying my Work Experience in a local primary school as the staff and pupils are very supportive and helpful.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

My Eighth Week :)

Today I had my eighth week of Work Experience in a local Primary School. I started my day off by blowing up balloons with Lauren, who is also doing Work Experience. We were blowing up the balloons for the launch of a DVD of the history of Celbridge, which will be held in the Primary School. I blew up 15 red balloons and 15 white balloons and tied a knot in them. Lauren tied them in pairs, one red balloon with a white balloon with a piece of string. I enjoyed helping in the preparation for the launch.
I left blowing up the balloons and went to a Third Class that I have helped in the past. The children were playing a maths game when I joined them. I was given the task of asking the children their 6 times tables. I then explained a worksheet that the teacher wanted to do with the class. I really enjoyed my time in Third Class as the children are very friendly and interested in the topics that you teach them.
After break, I went to First Class which was my first time in this class group. My first task was to check each book in the class library to ensure that they had a tag in them, indicating what the name of the book was. Once I had this completed I then began reading each child's English work. The children had done a short description of their monsters. I corrected any spelling errors that the children may have made.
After lunch, I returned to First Class where I continued with my task that I had been set before lunch. I then began correcting the children's Geography and Music workbooks. I really enjoyed my time in First Class as I got a chance to witness the extra work that teachers must do, which includes correcting all of the children's work that they do in school and at home. I am really enjoying my placement and I look forward to each week of work Experience, as each week brings a new set of interesting tasks and challenges that are very fulfilling when you complete them.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

My Seventh Week:)

Today I had my seventh week of Work Experience in a local Primary School. I started the day off in Sixth Class. The class started with a Maths lesson. I was cutting out words, putting them onto coloured paper, laminating them and then cutting them out. I listened to the teachers lesson while doing my job. I really enjoyed my time here as I enjoyed making posters as I could be creative.
After break I returned to Sixth Class for a short period of time. Whilst there I continued with my job, where as the teacher began her Irish lesson. 
I left Sixth Class and went to a Fourth Class that I am very familiar with. The class were using Net Books to write a cook book. I helped the children with their punctuation, putting full stops and commas into their pieces. I really enjoyed this class as I got to help with a very interesting topic which will be of great benefit to the students later in life.
After lunch I returned to Sixth Class where I remained the rest of the day. I continued with the task I was carrying out earlier in the day, as I had to make many different types of posters. The class had their English lesson. When I finished the poster making I then moved onto another task of typing up Irish vocabulary for the teacher. While I was doing this two students presented their History projects. I really enjoyed listening to their projects, they really did an excellent job. The students put a lot of effort into their projects which was evident in their presentations. I really enjoyed my time in Sixth Class as I got a chance to do different tasks than that I have not experienced thus far. 
I can not believe that I have only 3 more days of work experience in my first placement, it must be true when they say that time flies when you are having fun. I have also gained a new appreciation and understanding of the amount of work a teacher invests into her class, its not just the children that have homework to do!!!!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

My Sixth Week :)

Today I had my Sixth Week of Work Experience in a local Primary School. I really enjoyed my day there. I started off in a Third Class, in which we did Maths, Science and Irish. The class had been doing 3D shapes during the week and so they were having a practical class of making the 3D shapes with lollipop sticks. I helped a child with this particular task. The teacher then started teaching the class Science. They were learning about the environment, and the ways that humans effect it. The class were put into groups of three and they were given one of the three topics that they had been reading about. I went around the class helping the groups if they required any. The class then started on their Irish lesson. The children were television presenters in a cardboard television that the teacher had made. The children went inside the television and spoke into a microphone. They told the audience who they were, what age they were, where they lived, what class they were in and what was their favourite television programme or their favourite cartoon. I really enjoyed my time in Third Class as I got to observe and interact with subjects that I really wanted to see.
After break, I went to a First Class. The class were learning about the history of their school and their school crest and what it means. I helped one child stick in the notes the other children were taking down and then helped him with his picture of the school crest. I then helped a child with the letters of the alphabet, the sounds of the letter and a word that started with that letter.. The teacher then informed the children that they would be doing a play called A Christmas Recipe. The children were very excited about this as they would all be able to participate in the play. The teacher through all the roles in the play and also the songs that are in the play.
I returned to the same First Class after lunch. The teacher started an English lesson. The class stood up with their book and walked around, when the teacher did a clap they all got a partner and read the book together. They did this a couple of times and then went back to their seats and answered the questions. After English the class went to the Computer Class. In this the class sat in pairs at a computer and played a games that helped them with their vocabulary. When we went back to the classroom the teacher started to read the story of The Passover from the Bible. I really enjoyed my time in First Class as I got a sense of accomplishment for A child that I helped grasp the topic I was helping them with.
I left the class and went to do a job for the Deputy Principal. I went to gather all of the maps of Ireland from a trolley full of different maps. I put all of the same types of maps together. Once I had this done I brought all of the maps of Ireland back to the Deputy Principal.
I am really enjoying the experience that I am gaining from my Work Experience in a local Primary School.